How to Celebrate Birthdays From a Distance

Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, it’s impossible to celebrate a friend’s birthday in person. Even if you can’t visit your friend and toss confetti around, you can still express how much you care about the friendship. Celebrations can become overblown and overwhelming. Though it may seem cheesy, simple, but thoughtful, approaches can mean the most on a person’s birthday.

Physical Gifts

Sending a gift to your friend is one way to honor a birthday. You can choose a gift that alludes to inside jokes and fun times spent together. Simply by considering what makes the person smile or laugh, you can guess what kind of gifts will mean the most. Sometimes, gift-giving can be one part of a larger celebration. You could have bouquets delivered Boston MA to your friend’s doorstep, and tuck in a restaurant gift card with an invitation to celebrate together when you both have free time.


Maybe you send your friend flowers or chocolates, but still want to find a way to spend time together. You don’t need to occupy the same physical space to hang out together. Pick up your phone and make a phone call. Even if your friend is busy and the call goes to voicemail, you can still clear your throat and sing “Happy Birthday.” If the idea of singing embarrasses you too much or doesn’t feel like the right approach, plan ahead. In the days before your friend’s birthday, discuss having a birthday phone call or video call. This will ensure that you can spend time together. What would you like on your birthday? You can do some of the same things for your friend.

Get creative. Scrapbooks, homemade favorite foods, and meaningful conversations are other ways to celebrate the day and your friendship. You can celebrate in a multitude of ways.